Our Mission at BPTE…

(The T.U.T.O.R Process)

““Our mission at BPTE is to shine a light on our student’s learning path.”

We turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones!”

 We provide tailored support a step at a time.

 AT Bright Path Tutoring Etc.,

We  T.  U.  T.  O.  R.  each student…

by using a Process of

Test, Understand, Tutor, Organize, and Review

Test: We test and diagnose each student to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Understand: We understand and care! We take time to get to know each student and family to create a personalized plan tutoring.

Teach: We teach and implement the plans and lessons tailored for each student.

Organize: We organize and adjust as we go using weekly assessment results.

Review: We review progress regularly with our families to ensure that our students maintain a bright path at Bright Path Tutoring Etc.